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Всероссийская олимпиада по английскому 7 8

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников по английскому языку.

Муниципальный этап. 2016-2017 уч. год

Задания для 7-8 классов

Время выполнения всех конкурсов письменного тура– 120 минут.

Максимальное количество баллов – 73 балла

LISTENING - 8 балов (1 балл за правильный ответ), 25 минут

You will hear eight different situations. For questions 1-8 choose A, B or C. You will hear the conversation twice. Remember to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

  1. You overhear two friends talking about a TV play.

What did the girl think about the play?

  1. The actors were better than she thought they’d be
  2. The story had an unexpected ending
  3. The costumes were very attractive
  1. You hear two friends talking about a new bicycle. What is the boy’s opinion of it?
  1. It is too expensive
  2. It has a strange appearance
  3. It is a little uncomfortable to ride
  1. You hear a teacher talking to a class. What is he telling them about?
  1. A new after-school activity
  2. A homework assignment
  3. A change to their timetable
  1. You hear a girl telling her uncle about a dance event she’s going to take part in?

What is she most excited about?

  1. Meeting new people
  2. Dancing for a large audience
  3. Seeing other dancers perform
  1. You hear a boy talking on his mobile phone. Who is he talking to?
  1. A parent
  2. A friend
  3. A brother or sister
  1. You hear two friends talking about a book they’ve both read.

What do they agree about?

  1. It is very funny in places
  2. It is more for readers who are girls
  3. It has some great drawings
  1. You hear a local radio item about an unusual school.

What is unusual about the school?

  1. The Head is trying to help children break a sporting record
  2. There are more twins than is normal for one year group
  3. A large number of pupils in one class share the same birthday
  1. You hear two friends talking about some new neighbours.

How does the boy feel about them?

  1. Pleased to have different people next door
  2. Happy that the daughter shares his interests.
  3. Glad that they can help his family.

READING - 21 балл (1 балл за правильный ответ), 25 минут


These young people all want to play tennis during their school holiday. There are descriptions of eight tennis courses. Decide which tennis course would be the most suitable for the following young people.

  1. Sunita needs help to improve her tennis skills, so wants to have individual coaching. She’d like to play tennis outdoors in the mornings and do other activities in the afternoons.
  2. Paul and his brother do not know how to play tennis, so want to spend week learning. They would prefer to be outside in a small group and will need to borrow rackets.
  3. Zoe and her parents enjoy playing tennis together. They’d like to get advice from an expert and want lots of practice. They’d prefer to be near the coast.
  4. Ali is looking for a three-day tennis break in the countryside. He can’t play tennis but he does have all the equipment. He’d like to have fun and meet other teenagers.
  5. Vanessa is a good tennis player and her friends are almost as good. Their tennis course will be for a week during the winter, so they want to be able to play inside.

Tennis Courses.

  1. Weybridge Tennis.
  2. We run two-day, weekend courses all through the summer. Our tennis centre is next to one of the most beautiful beaches in the north. You will have the chance to play tennis all day and be taught by very experienced coaches. Unfortunately, this year we are not running any courses for adults.
  1. Gary Dymond’s Tennis Centre.

We have years of experience teaching beginners tennis and provide all the equipment you’ll need. Because we’re situated in the busy seaside town of Rye there is always something to do when you’re not playing tennis. Our tennis courses are for teenagers only and run throughout the summer, for seven days. Class sizes are kept to a maximum of six.

  1. Match Point.

Join us on our farm where we have six outdoor courts and space for 25 guests. It’s the perfect place to enjoy nature and learn a completely new sport. Young people (10 years +) are welcome to stay from two days up to a week. Everyone needs to bring their own rackets, clothes, etc. as only balls are available to buy.

  1. Racket and Ball.

We offer tennis courses for players at all levels in one of the most interesting cities in the country. Tennis sessions run from 9 a.m-12.30 p.m. You can join a group or have one-to-one instruction. After lunch each day we’ll take you to some wonderful places in this amazing city. Our outdoor courts have lights so you can play again in the evenings.

  1. Ace Tennis.

Never played tennis before? Want to find out if you like it before you buy an expensive tennis racket? Why not come to our indoor tennis centre for a weekend of fun activities in the mornings and tennis games in the afternoon? Fifty places are available and all equipment is provided.

  1. Lifelong Tennis.

Come to us for year-round tennis courses at our modern tennis school near the town centre. Our indoor courts allow us to offer tennis coaching to all levels and age groups whatever the weather. Classes are in groups of 15 and courses run from seven to ten days. Please bring your own rackets and tennis clothes.

  1. Top Tennis .

Our summer courses are for young tennis players who are already very skilled and are thinking of playing professionally. We have a number of experts on our staff who will give advice and coaching throughout the week. This is a serious course for people who want to play from morning to night!

  1. Advantage Tennis Breaks.

Our group courses are for all ages and are designed to help people who can already play strengthen their tennis skills. We have highly-qualified coaches on hand to give you tips and we’ll even video your playing. Our 12 outdoor courts are just five minutes from Fingle beach and classes can be booked between 8.30 a.m -9p.m each day.


Read this e-mail to a pen friend. For questions 6-21 choose the correct words.

Dear Tomo,

You asked me about education in my country. I’m still at (6) school/the school because it’s (7)essential/compulsory here up to the (8) age /year of 16. We go to kindergarten or nursery school first and then we (9) start/join primary school, where we spend seven years, when we’re four or five years of (10) old/age . Now I (11) go/attend a state secondary school which has about 1000 (12) pupils/undergraduates . We have six lessons a day and each subject is (13) taught/learnt by a different teacher. We have a lot of homework and projects and, if we (14) lose/miss an important deadline, we have to stay (15) following/after school to finish the work and hand it (16) in/on. We have to wear a uniform until we’re 15 but after that we’re (17) let/allowed to wear our own clothes. When we’re 16 we (18) take/pass some exams. Then we can either (19) leave/depart school or stay on for two more years. During those two years we (20) learn/study just three or four subjects. There are also (21) opportunities/occasions to do vocational courses like hairdressing or mechanics at a college of further education. I haven’t decided what to do yet.

Write back soon.

USE OF ENGLISH - 34 балла, 40 минут

  1. For questions 1-12, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

New York. The Big Apple.

New York, the city 0) in which I live, has 1) .......... inhabitants than any other US city. 2)………. was originally called “New Amsterdam” but was renamed by the British 3)………. they conquered the city in 1664. Our city has many landmarks which are 4)……….to people all over the world. The Statue of Liberty greeted people 5)……….came to the USA a century ago. Wall Street is 6)………. bankers and financiers do business. Central Park is a peaceful area that’s great 7)………. relax in. The headquarters of the United Nations is here, too, 8)………. is why there are so many international diplomats in the city. New York has great theatres, many 9) ……….which are on Broadway. And when it comes to sport, there are 10)………. of great facilities. Baseball is the 11)……….closely followed sport in the city and we have two big teams. Finally, people 12)……….money to spend can go to Fifth Avenue, which is where the top department stores are to be found.

  1. For questions 13-20 replace the underlined words with the correct form of these phrasal verbs.

go out take after set out cut down

run out of come along fall out with smb put smth off

  1. The band are leaving on a European tour next week.
  2. Very soon, the world will have no more fossil fuels.
  3. I would like to have a summer job during my holidays. There aren’t job vacancies at the moment, but the manager promised to let me know if an opportunity becomes available.
  4. We all need to reduce the amount of energy we use.
  5. I’m very like my father, but my brother looks like my uncle.
  6. I can hardly believe my brother is going on a date with somebody.
  7. My friend always invents a few excuses to delay our exam revision.
  8. I am so sad because I have had a disagreement with my friend.
  1. For questions 21- 26 find out which of the names in each line does not belong? Why?


Question: London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Anglesey, Liverpool, Sheffield.

Answer: Anglesey is an island, not a city

  1. Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square, Times Square.
  2. Ch. Dickens, Mark Twain, Agatha Christie, Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott, Jane Austen.
  3. Severn, Thames, Trent, Clyde, Snowdon, Tyne.
  4. England, Republic of Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland.
  5. Thanksgiving Day, Boxing Day, Bonfire Night, May Day, St.Patrick’s Day.
  6. Pennines, Cambrians, Lough Neagh, Grampians.
  7. The Prime Minister, the Queen, the Lord Chancellor, the President.

WRITING -10 баллов, 30 минут

Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this sentence: Mark shouted to his friends: “Look at it! This is going to be fun!”

Write your story (120-140 words) on your answer sheet.

Всероссийская олимпиада школьников

I (школьный) этап

Английский язык

7-8 классы

Комплект для учителя

Общее время выполнения работы – 60 минут

Максимальное количество баллов – 60

В комплект материалов, необходимых для проведения конкурса входят:

2. Описание процедуры проведения конкурса

3. Текст задания

4. Ключи

5. Лист ответа (для каждого участника)


Понимание устного текста (Listening )

На выполнение заданий отводится 15 минут , в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы. Задание предъявляется дважды.

Критерии оценивания : За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл. Максимальное количество баллов – 10 .

Понимание письменного текста (Reading )

Задание по чтению направлено на понимание текста. От ученика требуется прочитать и понять текст, затем, прочитав высказывания под текстом, сделать альтернативный выбор (правильно/неправильно). На выполнение задания отводится 10 минут , в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы. Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам.

Критерии оценивания : За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл . Максимальное количество баллов – 7.

Лексико-грамматический тест ( Use of English )

Всего в данном блоке 33 вопроса.

Учащиеся должны продемонстрировать соответствующий уровень владения лексическим материалом и умение оперировать им в условиях множественного выбора

Имеется три задания.

Первое задание - это текст, содержащий пропуски. Учащемуся требуется проявить знания грамматики и лексики и вставить в пропуски по одному слову, предложенному из выбора. За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл . Максимальное количество баллов – 11.

Второе задание представляет собой тест на знание артиклей, содержащий пропуски, которые необходимо заполнить, артиклем, если есть необходимость. За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл . Максимальное количество баллов – 16.

Третье задание требует от учащегося знания правил словообразования. За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл . Максимальное количество баллов – 6

Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам.

Социо-культурная компетенция

Задание представляет собой 10 вопросов, нацеленных на знание учащимися информации страноведческого и социокультурного характера в рамках школьной программы. Задание оценивается в 1 балл за каждый правильный ответ. Максимальное количество баллов – 10. Рекомендуемое время для выполнения задания – 10 минут.

Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам.

Процедура проведения конкурса

Общие правила

    Перед входом в аудиторию участник должен предъявить паспорт.

    Участники должны сидеть в аудитории на таком расстоянии друг от друга, чтобы не видеть работу соседа.

    Участник может взять с собой в аудиторию ручку, очки, шоколад, воду.

    В аудиторию не разрешается брать бумагу, справочные материалы (словари, справочники, учебники и т.д.), пейджеры и мобильные телефоны, диктофоны, плейеры и любые другие технические средства.

    Во время выполнения задания участник может выходить из аудитории только в сопровождении дежурного.

    Участник не может выйти из аудитории с заданием или листом ответов.

Процедура проведения

Каждому участнику перед началом выполнения заданий выдается лист ответов (Answer Sheet ) и двойной Титульный лист и проводится инструктаж на русском языке по процедуре проведения Олимпиады, заполнению листов ответов и по порядку их сдачи после окончания работы :

    Участники заполняют Тит ульный лист с указанием названия работы, номера школы, класса, ФИО.

    По окончании работы заполненный Лист ответов вкладывается в Титульный лист и отправляется в пункт шифровки.


    Исправления на листах ответов ошибками не считаются; однако почерк должен быть понятным; спорные случаи (о или а) трактуются не в пользу участника.

    Задания выполняются только черными или синими чернилами/ пастой (запрещены красные, зеленые чернила, карандаш).

Перед прослушиванием отрывка член жюри включает запись и дает возможность участникам прослушать самое начало записи. Затем запись выключается, и член жюри обращается к аудитории с вопросом, хорошо ли всем слышно. Если в аудитории кто-то из участников плохо слышит запись, регулируется громкость звучания, и устраняются все технические неполадки, влияющие на качество звучания. Затем запись включается с самого начала, не останавливается и прослушивается до самого конца.

Участники могут ознакомиться с вопросами до прослушивания.

Процедура аудирования записана на диск. ПОСЛЕ ПЕРВОГО ПРОСЛУШИВАНИЯ ЧЛЕН ЖЮРИ ВКЛЮЧАЕТ ЗАПИСЬ ПОВТОРНО. Запись задания на диске предъявляется 2 раза подряд (допускается техническая пауза в 10-15 секунд).

Во время аудирования участники не могут задавать вопросы членам жюри или выходить из аудитории, так как шум может нарушить процедуру проведения конкурса.

Время проведения конкурса ограничено временем, необходимым для прослушивания представленных заданий. Каждое из заданий предъявляется дважды.

Участникам раздаются тексты заданий и бумага для черновиков. В тексте заданий даны все инструкции по выполнению заданий. Участники получают чистую бумагу для черновиков, черновик сдается вместе с листом ответов. Однако проверке подлежат только листы ответов. Черновики не проверяются.

Член жюри в аудитории должен зафиксировать время начала и окончания задания на доске.

За 15 и за 5 минут до окончания работы член жюри в аудитории должен напомнить об оставшемся времени и предупредить о необходимости тщательной проверки работы.

После окончания времени выполнения заданий, листы ответов собираются.

Сразу после написания олимпиады, работы участников передают руководителю ШМО, который, в течение часа должен отвезти их в ближайший пункт шифровки, где работы шифруются комиссией. Проверка работ осуществляется на следующий день под руководством опытного руководителя дающего указания и инструкции группе проверяющих преподавателей. Критерии оценивания в виде таблицы выдаются на руки каждому проверяющему.






Listen to the news and choose the correct answer.

1. Mrs. Jones … .

A) works in Chester B) didn’t work C) is a burglar

2. Mrs. Jones’ flat was … .

A) attacked B) robbed C) burgled

3. The burglar was tall and … .

A) thin B) athletic C) thickset

4. The man had … .

A) a scar B) a beard C) fair hair

5. The police … the burglar.

A) have arrested B) are still in search of C) do nothing to arrest

6. The height of the tallest man is two meters and … .

A) forty B) fifty C) fifteen

7. Which is correct?

A) They have tried to save the dolphin.

B) They have done nothing.

C) They didn’t use surgical instruments.

8. Mr. Bow … to help the animals.

A) got into the stomachs B) extended his arm C) used surgical instruments

9. The mouths were held open with the … .

A) surgical instruments B) hands C) towels

10. The dolphins are … now.

A) quite well B) still unwell C) feeling better



Read the text below to decide if each sentence is correct (True) or incorrect (False).

Mexico City

Many people travelling to Mexico pass through Mexico City but most of them never actually visit Mexico’s capital city. If you asked those people why, they would probably say something about the air. Mexico City is very big and air pollution is always a problem in big cities. But a lot of its inhabitants say that air pollution is less of problem than in the past.

The historic centre was built on what used to be an island in an ancient lake. It’s the oldest part of the city and includes the Zocalo, the largest public square in the Americans. There is an enormous Mexican flag in the centre of the square.

The best way to see the most sights in the shortest time is to take the “Turibus”, a red, two-level bus similar to the double-decker buses in London except that the top level has no roof. This means that you see the city better but it also means that you need to wear lots of sun cream.

A daily ticket allows you unlimited rides.

The amazing National Museum of Anthropology is located in the Chapultepec Park. It’s perhaps the most famous of the city’s museums and also of the biggest. Other sights in the park include am amusement park, a forest with beautiful old trees and a large zoo with giant pandas.

Plaza Garibaldi always has street musicians playing traditional Mexican music. There’s also birria, a spicy goat meat soup sold at self-service restaurants in a large building just off the square.

Let’s go to this exciting beautiful city.

    Most travelers to Mexico spend a lot of time in Mexico City.

True False

    Mexico City is the capital of Mexico.

True False

    Air pollution is a problem in Mexico City.

True False

    The centre of Mexico City used to be under water.

True False

    The Zocalo is the biggest public square in the world.

True False

    The Turibus is an efficient and convenient way to see the major sights.

True False

    Birria is a type of Mexican music.

True False




Task1 - 11 баллов

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.


Yesterday Eleanor Preston (1) ….. an international swimming competition for girls (2) ….. under sixteen. She swam faster (3) ….. girls from ten other countries. This (4) ….. even better when you learn that Eleanor is only thirteen. She had to have special (5) ….. to enter, because normally competitors are fourteen or older. Eleanor has been (6) ….. on swimming for a long time – (7) ….. she was three in fact. I wondered whether she found it hard to (8) ….. several hours a day training. She (9) ….. me that sometimes she has problems finding time for homework, but that’s all. ‘My parents have given up so (10) ….. time driving me to local competitions, I think it’s been harder for them, actually.’ Her aim is to swim at the Olympics. After yesterday’s performance, I think she may (11) ….. there.





A. age

B. aged

C. ages

A. that

B. from

C. than

A . suggests

B . means

C . sounds

D . shows

А . permission

B. attention

C. opportunity

D. facility

A . happy

B . good

C . pleased

D . keen

A . until

B . since

C . when

D . ever

A . take

B . use

C . spend

D . pass

A. told

B. explained

C. said

D. agreed

A . often

B . much

C . long

D . many

A. reach

B. find

C. get

D. make

Task 2 - 16 баллов.

Put in the articles a or the , if necessary .

1. I don’t usually like staying at __1 __ hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at __2 _ very nice hotel by_3 __ sea.

2. __4 _ tennis is my favourite sport. I play once or twice _5 __ week if I can, but I’m not _6 __ very good player.

3. I won’t be home for _7 __ dinner this evening. I’m meeting some friends after _8 __ work and we’re going to _9 __ cinema.

4. There was _10 __ accident as I was going __11 __ home last night.

5. Carol is _12 __ economist. She used to work in __13 __ investment department of _14 ___ Lloyds Bank.

6. “What’s _15 __name of _16 __ hotel where you’re staying?”







Task 3 - 6 баллов

For questions 1-5 read the text and then write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps.

Leo da Vinci.

Probably you have already read The da Vinci Code or seen the film. But who …1 … was Leonardo da Vinci? Well, he was born in 1452 in Italy. He is …2 … for his painting, the Mona Lisa. Da Vinci was also an …3 … who designed a helicopter, a submarine before they were invented. Leonardo thought that by …4 … how each part of a machine worked; he could change them and then put them together in …5 … ways. In this way he could improve existing machines or create new ones. He drew his ideas so well that 500 years later his sketches have been used for

6 … perfect working models.










Choose the right answer.

1. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?
a) four b) three c) two

2. What is the fastest way to cross the English Channel?
a) through the Channel Tunnel b) by boat c) by ferry

3. What is the most important airport in Great Britain?
a) Gatwick Airport b) Heathrow Airport c) Stansted Airport

4. What is the highest mark in British schools?
a) A b) C c) G

5. What is the London residence of Queen Elizabeth II?
a) the Tower of London b) Windsor Castle c) Buckingham Palace

6. Where is Nelson’s Column situated?
a) in Parliament Square b) in Trafalgar Square c) in Piccadilly Circus

7. Earth Day is celebrated:
a) in winter b) in summer c) in spring

8. The environment organization is:
a) Oxfam b) Save the children c) Greenpeace

9. Which of these cities is not in Britain?
a) New York b) London c) Oxford

10. The Beatles came from:
a) Liverpool b) Manchester c) Birmingham





6 баллов







Task 3 - 6 баллов


10 баллов

Школьная олимпиада 7-8 класс

Раздел 1 (Чтение)

1. Установите соответствие тем A-H текстам 1-7. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.


1. For the first time since 1948, the British capital will host the summer Olympic Games. It was the fourth participation of Britain in the battle to host the games after failed attempts of Birmingham for the 1992 Olympics and Manchester for 1996 and 2000. "I’m looking forward to what I’m sure will be a fantastic Olympic Games,” said Prince William.

2. There are many factors, both social and psychological, which influence the roles of teachers and learners in the classroom. The book "Roles of Teachers and Learners” by Tony Wright helps teachers to understand these roles. And the ways in which co-operative learning may best be fostered.

3. It’s calculated that Joanne Rowling, the author of very famous books about Harry Potter, is earning $36,000,000 daily and her total profit is already more than $1,000,000,000.

4. In 2005 " Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” broke the previous record of Potter series itself as wall as all other records had ever held by freshly published books: more than 8.9 million copies had been sold within 24 hours since the moment of release.

5. The word "hamburger” comes from the name of the German city Hamburg and not from the word "ham”, and so the word "cheeseburger”, sometimes used to mean a similar kind of sandwich with cheese instead of meat, is based on a false analogy.

6. Reading works of literature gives students an insight into the variety of ways language has been handled over the last three centuries. It is both rewarding and motivating for learners to discover they can understand the language, and that they can even enjoy the experience of reading an English or American classic.

2. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания. Ответьте на вопросы заданий, выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответов 1, 2 или 3.

There is something about the English Channel that has always fascinated the human race and it has always played a special role in British history. The sea itself has always been important to mankind but the Channel often created a barrier between Great Britain and the Continent. This barrier has existed for more than 12,000 years and the desire to break it has occupied the minds of many people for almost two hundred years.
The construction of the tunnel is perhaps the most incredible engineering project of the 20th century. In fact its completion was called a "technical triumph”.
However, the first proposal to build a Channel Tunnel appeared in 1802, when a French engineer presented his project for two tunnels to cross it. Historians say Napoleon was interested in that plan. But Napoleon was more interested in fighting the British than in linking the two countries, and shortly afterwards a new war between England and France began. There were many other plans to build a tunnel but unfortunately all of them failed. It was not until after the last war that Britain and France began seriously considering the project. On the 12th February, 1986, Mrs. Thatcher and President Mitterrand signed the Franco-British Treaty which allowed the construction and the operation of the Channel Tunnel. The tunnel was completed eight years later.
It is now very quick and easy to cross the Channel. You don’t have to book a ticket. The Channel Tunnel trains operate twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year. You can now cross the Channel in thirty-five minutes. At last the great barrier has been broken.
In 1996, the American Society of Civil Engineers, with Popular Mechanics, selected the tunnel as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

1. What has always been important to all people?
a. The English Channel.
b. The sea.
c. The tunnel.

2. What did Europeans want to do for many years?
a. To create a barrier between Great Britain and the Continent.
b. To sign a contract on the construction of the tunnel.
c. To connect Great Britain and the continent by train service.

3. When did the Channel Tunnel begin to function?
a. In 1994.
b. In 1986.
c. In 1996.

4. Who proposed the first plan to build a tunnel under the Channel?
a. Napoleon
b. A French engineer.
c. President Mitterrand.

5. When did the construction of the tunnel become possible?
a. After the treaty had been signed.
b. After the engineering project had been presented.
c. After many other plans had been discussed.

6. Why is it easy to cross the Channel at present?
a. The tickets are cheap.
b. The tickets are sold everywhere.
c. The trains go day and night.

7. What is the best title for the text?
a. Engineering Projects.
b. The Channel Tunnel.
c. Seven Wonders of the World.

Раздел 2 (лексико-грамматический тест)

1. Прочитайте приведенные ниже предложения с пропусками и решите, который из предложенных трех вариантов для каждого пропуска соответствует правильному ответу. 7. The world’s famous cycling race comes to its exiting conclusion when the riders cap off three weeks of road racing and 21 stages with a sprint down the Champs Elysees in Paris. The Tour de France will be broadcast live daily at Sport land at 5 p.m. until the last stage on Sunday , June 24.

1. The clothes are absolutely wet. I should dry …
a) it b) their c) them
2. If you don’t understand the meaning of this word, look it … in the dictionary.
a) for b) up c) at
3. The forecast promises such … good weather but I don’t believe it.
a) a b) __ c) the
4. You should eat … sweets. It’s bad for your teeth.
a) little b) less c) fewer
5. Everyone has to answer for his actions, …?
a) hasn’t he b) has he c) doesn’t he
6. This car … a lot last year.
a) cost b) costs c) costed
7. Neither Nick nor Ann … to play tennis.
a) likes b) like c)doesn’t like
8. Your shoes are … fashionable.
a) such a b) such c) so
9. The boy feels so …today
a) more bad b) badly c) bad
10. If it … tomorrow we shall play football outdoors.
a) not rain b) doesn’t rain c) won’t rain
11. The pupils were … a new film yesterday.
a) showed b) show c) shown
12. They arrived … the airport on time.
a) at b) in c) to

2. Прочитайте приведенный ниже текст с пропусками и решите, какой из предложенных трех вариантов для каждого пропуска соответствует правильному ответу.


When Bo the cat decided to explore a furniture van, she had a bigger adventure than she expected. She was discovered (1) …….the driver, after he had completed a (2) …….of over 500 kilometers. It was (3) ……end of a long day. The driver and the cat were both hungry! He gave her some milk and started making enquiries. He telephoned his last (4) ……., but they had not lost a cat. It was getting late, so he took Bo home for the night and (5) …….morning brought her to an animal hospital.
The cat’s owner (6) ……done some detective work too. After searching everywhere for the cat, he suddenly remembered the furniture van (7) ……had made a delivery to a neighbor. Fortunately he (8) …….the name of the company. He called their office and in a short time Bo was (9) …….safely.

1. a) of b) from c) by

2. a) trip b) travel c) tour

3. a) an b) some c) the

4. a) shoppers b) buyers c) customers

5. a) next b) following c) other

6. a) has b) was c) had

7. a) what b) this c) which

8. a) called b) remembered c) saw

9. a) returned b) taken c) given

Английский язык. Задания, 7-8 класс.


Task1. Listen to the text and choose the right answer.

1. According to the text O’Neill

a) was the king of England

b) cut off his hand as it hurt

c) was in the fastest boat

d) became the king of Ireland

2. According to the text the other Viking leader

a) was not as clever as O’Neill

b) cut off his left hand

c) didn’t want to become a king

d)reached the Irish land first

3. The text you’ve heard is

a) a real historical event

c) a scary story for children

d) an old Irish anecdote

4. The best title for the text is

a) Irish monarchy

b) How Ireland got its king

c) O’Neill and his army

d) A red right hand

5. The symbols of Ireland now are

a) the shamrock and the crown

b) the red hand and the arrow

c) the red hand and the shamrock

d) the rose and the eagle

Чтение .

Task 2. The parts of the following text are all mixed up. Put them in the right order.

    Once the king showed a new portion of his stories to a well-known critic. The critic decided to tell the truth and said that the stories were bad and poor.

    When the critic was brought to the palace the king asked him about the stories again. But the critic said he would rather get back to prison.

    Of course people were afraid of criticizing the king so they had to lie. Everyone said the stories were extremely good, which was not at all true.

    An old king liked to write stories which he thought were very good and professional. He showed them to everyone and asked what those people thought.

    After some time the king thought he had been too cruel and decided to set the critic free. He sent his men to the prison and told them to bring the man to the palace.

    The king got very angry with him and ordered his men to take him to prison. Sothe critic was sent for telling the truth.

Лексико - грамматическийтест .

Task3. Choose the right answer.

    I finished the project but my friends didn’t finish…………..

a)them b)theirs c)their

2. It’s taken me a long time to clear away the……….. toys.

a) children b) children’s c) childrens’

3. I think Germany …… win the football match.

a) is going to b) shall c) will

4. She is very busy today. She ……… letters since morning.

a) has been typing b) is typing c) had been typing

5. John ….. down the road when he fell.

a) walked b) was walking c) had walked

a) the cleverest b) clever d) cleverer

7. There is ….. in the cupboards. We have to go to the supermarket.

a) everything b) nothing c) anything

8. Yesterday … 5 p.m. they were cooking dinner

a) on b) at c) in

9. He is fond … doing sports.

a) at b) of c) on

10. You … water flowers. I’ve already done it.

a) mustn’t b) can’t c) needn’t

Task 4. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

    The……… on a …….. is called fur. a) hare b) hair

    Have you ever heard a fairy…..about the cat with no …… ? a) tale b) tail

    The sky was clear ….. but the wind …. from the north. a) blue b) blew

    After his illness John felt … for a ……. . a) week b) weak

    He announced which …. of the boys … the game. A) one b) won


Task 5. Complete the dialogue. You have to invite your friend to your granny on the weekend. Try to be convincing and polite. You have to use about 50-55words.

    Hi, Phil! Nothing unusual I think. I’ll stay at home with my lap top.

    Will she? You know I’m not a fan of the country and also I hate mosquitos very much.

    Does she? To tell the truth I like pies, especially with jam. OK then When and where should I come tomorrow?

  • Phil, thank you very much for your idea. I’m so pleased.


Task 6.Найдите соответствия между левым и правым столбиками. (7 фраз и 8 значений)

    You are pulling my leg.

    An experienced person

2.Do you need a hand?

b) to tell something secret

3.I’m pressed in time.

4. Keep a stiff upper lip

d) to offer some help

e) don’t look for problems. It might be dangerous

6.Let the cat out of bag

f) don’t open your mouth

7.Let sleeping dogs lie

g) hide your emotions

h) be in a hurry

Английский язык. Ключи 7-8 класс.

Аудирование. 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c

Чтение. DCAFEB

Лексико-грамматический тест. 1-b, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a, 5-b, 6-a, 7-b, 8-c, 9-b, 10-c

1-b,a, 2-a,b, 3-a,b, 4-b,a, 5-b,a

Страноведение. 1-c, 2-d, 3-h, 4-g, 5-a, 6-b, 7-e (f- лишний вариант)

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Олимпиада по английскому языку 7 класс

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Тестовые задания

1. It’s…..colder today than yesterday.
A) Most
B) More
C) Very
D) Super
E) Much

2. Andrew…..for this company.
A) Works
B) Work
C) has worked
D) am working
E) will works

3. Who’s that girl? … .
A) Is Betty
B) It’s Jane
C) She’s a pupil

4. In his free time he likes … with his friend.
A) playing
B) play
C) plays

5. I … my homework because I left my book in school.
A) can’t to do
B) can’t do
C) don’t make

6. … the room!
A) Not to go into
B) Don’t going to
C) Don’t go into

7. … these three girls do you know?
A) How many
B) Which of
C) What of

8. Last week John … his leg.
A) fell and broke
B) felt and broke
C) fallen and broken

9. Her eyes were as … as the sky.
A) blue
B) blew
C) blow

10. You can’t … jeans to the opera.
A) where
B) wore
C) wear

Открытые вопросы

Read the text and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

Robin Hood
The story of Robin Hood, the most popular English folk hero of all times, has reached every corner of the Earth. There are many versions of this well-known tale which is about 600 years old. Everybody knows Robin’s friends (Little John, Brother Tuck, Will Scarlet), and the famous Sherwood Forest — Robin Hood’s home and the place where many of his adventures took place. In other countries there are similar stories, such as William Tell in Switzerland, El Cid in Spain or Janosik in Poland, but only Robin Hood has become an ‘international’ hero.

Unfortunately, there is almost no evidence that Robin Hood really existed. Thirteenth-century ballads, fourteenth-century chronicles, a sixteenth-century History of Great Britain, all talk about Robin Hood. However, none of them tells us about the sources they used. In the 1800s and 1900s, historians found two Robin Hoods who lived in the fourteenth century. One of them was even King Edward II’s servant. Later on, other historians found several different Hoods living in different parts of England – Robin was a popular Christian name and Hood was a fairly common surname. It seems that by 1337, the story of Robin Hood was well established. Most probably, he lived around the year 1200.

Today, the legend of Robin Hood has turned Nottinghamshire into a large tourist attraction. In the centre of Nottingham there is Nottingham Castle. Parts of it still recall the time of Robin Hood. Sherwood forest has an excellent visitor’s centre with an attractive display and shop, and some very pleasant walks in the nearby forest. Edwinstowe church, in which, according to tradition, Robin Hood and Lady Marion were married, is one of the visitors’ favourite sites.

Вопрос 1
The story of Robin Hood has been known for 600 years.

Вопрос 2
William Tell, El Cid and Janosik are international heroes.

Вопрос 3
A sixteenth-century History of Great Britain includes a story about Robin Hood.