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Скачать симулятор полет в космосе на смартфон. Взломанный Space simulator

Перед вами один из лучших космических симуляторов. Поэтапно разделенный на множество событий, он заполнит ваши пробелы в знаниях планет, космического оборудования, галактики и космического пространства в целом. Доставляйте припасы, запускайте ракеты, давайте задания сотрудникам и придумывайте оптимальные маршруты. Игра отличается большим количеством возможным настроек и вариативностью развития событий.

Игровой процесс

От действия пользователей зависит весь успех операции. Впрочем, подготовкой операции тоже придется заниматься самостоятельно. Необходимо поставить цель, распределить кадровые ресурсы, продумать оптимальный маршрут, проконтролировать запуск ракеты, стыковку с космической станцией, сохранность припасов. Уйма нюансов заставит пользователей напрячь свои мозги. Но оно того стоит! Вы сможете управлять реалистичными прототипами станциями, шаттлами, спутниками.

Графика и управление

Визуальное оформление в игре не самое детализированное, но оно точно впечатляет своей масштабностью и реалистичностью. Все смотрится по-научному правдоподобно и реалистично - графики, точные показатели, цифры и показания датчиков - все это не просто бутафория, а индикаторы, которые необходимо отслеживать и предпринимать соответствующие действия. А виды космического пространства нашей солнечной системы просто поражают воображение!

Управление в игре реализовано посредством тапов по и свайпов по экрану. С помощью первых мы будем выбирать необходимые пункты меню, с помощью вторых - перемещать камеру.

Get instant access and start playing; get involved with this game as it develops.

Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.

What the developers have to say:

Why Early Access?

“Our community has expressed strong interest to play the game in its current form on PC and we would like to make it available as soon as possible. Mobile user have been playing our game since 2015 so we are definitely ready to make it available on Steam. Many of our users have been waiting for the Steam version since 2015.

However, from a development perspective there is still a lot of content we"d like to add before we can consider the game complete. Ultimately we want to have all the Apollo Project missions and other space programs such as the Space Shuttle program, Soviet programs and current space programs as optional downloadable content.

The scope of the game is quite ambitious, so Early Access is the perfect way to start rolling out content, testing it and getting live feedback while we complete the content.”

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

“We estimate between 6 month to 12 months. During this time we hope to implement the entire series of Apollo Program missions from Apollo 8 to 13.”

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“The full version will have more content. The Early Access version will feature only the Apollo 8 mission. In the full version we hope to have all the Apollo Program missions from Apollo 8 to Apollo 13. That means the full version will have not just the Apollo Launch Vehicle and capsule, but also the Lunar Lander and Rover simulated down to the switch.

We also hope to formally introduce VR support in the full version.”

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

“The current state of the Early Access version is a fully working and playable game with only the Apollo 8 missions.”

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

“Yes the game will be available at a discount price during Early Access. The full version will be more expensive because it will have lots more content - more spacecrafts and more missions.”

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

“We listen to our customers all the time. We have a website, forum and facebook page where users frequently give us feedback. The community can reach out to us through any of these site or the Steam community hub group.”

Buy Space Simulator

About This Game

Space Simulator is a realistic space flight simulator game featuring high-quality models, hi-res textures, IBL shaders, and a full-scale Solar System running on a proprietary purpose-built (double-float precision) physics library to create a better, faster and more realistic space flight simulator.

Gravitational forces, including moons and distant celestial bodies, orbit instabilities, resonances, etc. are calculated with utmost accuracy. The physics solver computes and predicts real n-body trajectories that vary in real time, allowing -for the first time- the player to design and fine-tune very complicated orbital maneuvers, eg, orbital slingshots, etc.

With the dynamic loading textures and multi-threaded physics running on GPU cores, the game reaches at 50-60 fps on most PCs with modest RAM requirements.

We are also implementing VR support for a fully immersive flight experience as well as support for all major joysticks and flight controllers.

We intend to release the game for an introductory price for a limited time only.

Space Simulator features a mix of high quality Steam specific missions while also having a legacy mode with all the missions, models, etc of the mobile version included for the convenience of our mobile players.

Steam Specific Missions : (Early Access) Chapter 1: The Apollo Days. Featuring a growing number incredibly detailed and realistic Apollo Program missions starting -at launch date- with Apollo 8 lunar orbit missions. In the following months, we will complete all relevant missions in the Apollo Program.

Included also is the mobile version content with:

Project Apollo

Space Simulator features the complete Apollo 11 program missions. Players can choose to play particular missions or the entire Apollo 11 program from beginning to end: launch the Saturn V from Cape Kennedy; perform Trans-Lunar Injection, transposition rotation and docking; land on the Moon; power through the lunar ascent and rendezvous; and finally return back to Earth with reentry and splashdown.

Space Transportation System

Space Shuttle fans can also enjoy a wide selection of Space Shuttle missions: launch from Cape Kennedy; rendezvous and dock with the International Space Station; return to Earth with reentry and play the final landing in day and night scenarios.

Space Launch System

Space Simulator also includes a number of contemporary spacecrafts, such as the SLS (Orion) .We also plan to include SpaceX vehicles in the near future.

Custom Free Roam Missions

Space Simulator is a realistic simulator of the entire Solar System with all its planets and major moons. Players can also choose to play custom free roam scenarios with general purpose spaceships.

All spacecraft cockpits will come with interactive multi-functional displays that provide information on every aspect of your flight data. We have orbit, surface, transfer, docking, flight, HSI and other display panels.

For Apollo enthusiasts, we have fully emulated the Apollo Guidance Computer and DSKY running actual code from the 60’s. You can run and control the Apollo spacecrafts exactly as how the astronauts did during their flight.

Ultimately, our aim is to create a realistic space simulator that is comprehensive yet easy to use and accessible to players at all levels with the most advanced graphics and rendering techniques.

All planets in the game are modeled with hi-res NASA imagery. Selected planets such as the Earth, Moon and Mars have 3D surfaces modeled from NASA altitude data. We try to use original audio as much as possible for Apollo and Space Shuttle missions.

Lift-off from the Kennedy Space Center; land on the Moon; enjoy the magnificent views of Earth from orbit; plan a trip to a faraway planet; practise your favorite orbital maneuvers ­doing gravitational slingshots, Hohmann transfer orbits; rendezvous and dock with the ISS; perfect your Space Shuttle landings or go to the edge of space and back with the hypersonic X-­15 space plane. The possibilities are endless and as unbounded as your wildest astronautic dreams!

Космический симулятор создан специально для устройств на платформе андроид, поэтому он совместим с пятью тысячами аппаратов. Он является одним из лучших подобных разработок современности. Игра предоставит возможность пользователю стать настоящим космонавтом, бороздящим просторы вселенной. Теперь можно увидеть все планеты, находящиеся в Солнечной системе. А чтобы попробовать свои силы в новом амплуа, необходимо скачать Space Shuttle Simulator на андроид .

Игрок столкнется с невероятной реалистичностью местности, над которой добросовестно потрудились создатели. Но в действительности, оказаться в космосе является лишь половиной задачи. Ведь потом предстоит вернуться и приземлиться на Землю. И сделать это необходимо не абы куда, а на специальную полосу. В качестве помощи, предусмотрен светящийся на мониторе коридор посадки.

Стоит помнить, что условия приземления могут изменяться от случая к случаю. Может стать другой местность, полоса, направление и скорость ветра. Не лишним будет отметить прекрасную графику, которая выглядит весьма реалистично, как, впрочем, и сам шаттл. Все это позволяет в полной мере прочувствовать атмосферу и насладиться процессом.

Особенности игры:

  • Качественная графика;
  • Продуманное управление;
  • Увлекательный геймплей.