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Прохождение игру escape from subway. При обновлении назначьте монетный магнит и ракетный ранец

Subway Surfers это мобильная игра, созданная Kiloo для Android и iOS мобильных устройств. В сущности, Subway Surfers представляет собой игру в стиле бесконечного побега, где Вам необходимо будет избегать встречного поезда и помочь Jake, Tricky и Fresh сбежать от сварливого инспектора и его собаки. Subway Surfers также насыщена красочной графикой HD качества. Вы и Ваша команда смогут несколько раз пройти поезда, таким образом, Вам будут доступны дополнительные бонусы, включая красочные ранцы с питанием. Настало время рассмотреть некоторые основные секреты и подсказки игры Subway Surfers для новичков.

Если Вы зададитесь целью превзойти высокие показатели Ваших друзей, или побить свой собственный личный рекорд, то Вы должны внимательно следить за множителем. Эта цифра будет установлена на х1, когда Вы только начнете играть Subway Surfers, а по завершению каждой миссии множитель будет увеличиваться на 1 единицу, пока не достигнет уровня х30.

2. Какую миссию Вы обязательно должны выполнить

Миссии в Subway Surfers имеют достаточно широкий диапазон разнообразных задач и приключений, кроме того они также включают в себя сбор определенного количества монет, достижение определенного числа прыжков, сбор бонусов и многое другое. Нажмите на кнопке Миссии в верхней части главного меню, чтобы просмотреть, какие миссии в настоящее время активны.

3. При обновлении назначьте монетный магнит и ракетный ранец

Безусловно, Вы захотите уделить особое внимание бонусам, когда будете пытаться побить рекорды или что-либо еще. Когда дело дойдет до обновлений, в первую очередь, Вам нужно обновить монетный магнит и ракетный ранец. Для сбора бонусов, прежде всего, необходимо собрать монеты, которые будут встречаться на пути. Даже если они не на Вашей линии, Вы сможете собрать их «на лету», следуя нужному курсу. Это самое главное, что Вы сможете сделать, выполняя самые ранние миссии в игре. И когда Ваш множитель будет близок к отметке х30, то Вы сможете обновить свой 2Х множитель, увеличивая счет в два раза.

4. Тратьте деньги на Hoverboards

Когда тратите деньги в Subway Surfers, то лучше всего их использовать для приобретения Hoverboards. Вы также сможете выиграть их в качество приза, если не захотите слишком много тратить монет. Hoverboards полезны в течение 30 секунд, и их основная задача заключается в том, что позволяет Вам продолжать идти, даже если Вы наткнетесь на объект. Кроме того, существует огромное количество препятствий, с которыми Вы и Ваша команда может столкнуться, много Hoverboards – это всегда хорошо, особенно, если их количество колеблется в пределах 600-900 единиц.

5. Собирайте ключи

Кроме hoverboards, Вы также сможете использовать ключи, которые позволят оставаться живым, даже если столкнулись с объектом. Вы сможете найти их в таинственных коробках, выиграть в недельных миссиях или натолкнётесь на них во время следования заданному курсу.

Start by looking at the item on the wall on the right. It has a number that you will need 8503.
Turn right and take the gum from under the seat. Turn right again and click on the panel next to the door. Enter the pass code 8503 from the paper on the wall. Now move forward to the next car.
Turn left and take a look at the backpack, take a look at the papers inside, there is a paper clip, take the paper clip.
Now press the down arrow to switch views. Move the trash aside that is under the seat, you will find a small notebook. Click on the notebook to take a closer look. Open the notebook and you will see an address on a torn page 1473
Turn left and then click on the small panel next to the door. Enter the code from the notebook – 1473 and then head forward to the next car.
Turn right to switch views. There are some round circles in a pattern, from left to right – up, middle, down, middle, up. You will need to remember the placement. Now turn right, then forward and then turn right and then right again. Click on the large panel on the bottom left of the screen (Under the window). Click the switches until they match the circles you found earlier. The first one should be clicked 1 time, the third switch click 2 times and the last switch click 1 time. Now click the larger switch on the side. The panel will open revealing a key, take the key.
Turn left and then left again and then head forward. Click on the small box on the left wall. Use the key to unlock the box, and then once the box is open take the screwdriver from inside the box.
Now we need to make our way all the way back to the other end of the train, turn right twice, forward, forward.
Click on the panel on the bottom left under the window, use the screwdriver to remove the screws, once the panel is open you will find that there are some wires and one is not connected.
You have a paper clip to connect the wires but it will not stay, so first you will need to place the gum you found earlier onto the wires, and then add the paper clip to connect the wires together.
Now the power to the exit door is turned on. Make your way back to the front of the train by clicking left, left, forward, forward, left. Note the orange seat, we will need to come back to this later.
The button on the panel next to the door should now be green. Click on the panel next to the door and the door will open, move forward.
Turn left twice and then head forward. Once inside the bathroom, click on the cleaning cart to take a closer look, now click on the towels and you will find a key.
Check the first bathroom stall. You will find a mop that someone has left. Take the mop and then click down to head out of the bathroom.
Now head right until you reach a locked gate. Use the key you found under the towels to unlock the gate, then head up into the new room.
Click on the last bathroom stall to enter inside, you will find a flashlight on the side, take the flashlight.
Head back out of the bathroom and then go left until you come to the end. Use the screwdriver to remove the vent on the side of the wall. Now use your flashlight to see inside of the vent. You will find a key in the back, but you can’t reach it. You will need to use your mop to reach the key. Once you use the mop take the key.
Now head right, take a look at the letters above the turnstile. “ADCA” now turn right once more. The billboard says DAC = 965 this is a clue telling you that D=9, A=6 and C=5. This would make “ADCA” from earlier equal “6956”
Continue right once more and then up into the bathroom. Use your key to unlock the door and then move forward into the new room. Click on the middle file cabinet drawer to take a closer look. You will find a keypad which requires a 4 digit combination. Enter the code from earlier – “6956” and then click the small switch on the side to unlock the drawer. Once open you will find a hammer, take the hammer.
Now we must head back to the orange seat we found earlier on the train, go down, down, left, down, then click down once more to switch views and you will see the orange seat. Use the hammer to remove the seat and you will find another key. Take the key.
Now go up, right, up, up until you are back at the control room.
Use the key on the locked doors on the right, once open you will find an access card. Take the card and then head down, down, left, left and then use the access card on turn stile control panel. Once the turn stile opens head forward.
Congratulations! You have escaped the subway!

1. Click on the Wall Phone, in the Middle of the Right-side Wall, to zoom in. Note the Number: 8503 – close the Zoomed in Window, by clicking on the CLOSE Button (Bottom-Right corner)! Move Right. Take the GUM , under the most Left-side Seat on the Middle Row of Seats. Move Right. Click on the Red Button (Left-side of the Middle point of the Door), to zoom in a Code Box. Type in the Emergency Call, which is the code: 8 5 0 3 – Move Forward (Forward Arrow near Middle-Bottom)!

2. Move Right. Do you see the Piece of Trash, below the Left-side Row of seats? Drag it somewhere else and take NOTEBOOK from beneath it! Move Right, 2 Times. Click on the Backpack (the Red Object, on most Right-side Seat in the Middle Row of Seats), to Zoom it in. Click on the White Sheet of Paper on the Top of the Backpack (the visible White Rectangle), to Zoom those Papers in. Take the PAPER CLIP from Top-Left corner of the Front Paper, and CLOSE the popped up window (Bottom-Right corner). Move Right! Click on the Notepad in your Inventory (Bar, on Bottom of screen), click it again to open it, and Note the 4 Number: 1 4 7 3 – CLOSE popped up window (Bottom-Right corner), and click on the Red Button, Left to the Door, and input the numbers from the Notepad, 1473 , hit ENTER, and Move Forward (Forward Arrow near Middle-Bottom)!

3. Move Right, and note the Yellow Dots (near Top-Left corner) – remember their position (Bottom, Middle or Top) from LEFT to RIGHT: – Move Right. Move Forward (Forward Arrow near Middle-Bottom), and then Move Right 2 Times! Click on the Box, on Bottom-Left corner of the Wall with the Door, in front of you, in order to Zoom it in. Remember the Yellow Dots and their positions? Use their advantage here, by positioning the “buttons” here equal to the positions of the Yellow Dots. Do following from LEFT to RIGHT:


or, without toucing the “buttons” from the start (all in the Middle)

LEFT: Click 1 Time
LEFT-MIDDLE: Click 0 Times
MIDDLE: Click 2 Times
RIGHT-MIDDLE: Click 0 Times
RIGHT: Click 1 Time

Once done, Click on the Button, on the Middle Right-side. Take the KEY from inside box, and CLOSE popped up window (Bottom-Right corner)!

4. Move Right 2 Times, and Move Forward (Forward Arrow near Middle-Bottom)! Click on the Box, in the Middle of the Left-side Wall, to zoom it in. Use the Key on the Lock, to open the box. Take SCREWDRIVER , and CLOSE popped up window (Bottom-right corner). Move Right 2 Times, and Move Forward 2 Times (Forward Arrow near Middle-Bottom)! Click on the Box, Bottom-Left corner of the Wall in Front of you, to Zoom it in. Use the Screwdriver on the 4 Screws, to open the Box (place Screwdriver back in Inventory). Use Gum where the Cables are cut, and then the Paper Clip on the Gum, to active Power. Close popped up window (click on CLOSE, Bottom-Right corner)!

5. Move Right 2 Times, and Move Forward 2 Times (Forward Arrow near Middle-Bottom)! Now, Move Left, and Click on the Green Button, Middle-Left of the Double Door in front of you, to open the Exit Door. Move Forward (Forward Arrow near Middle-Bottom)! Move Left 2 times, and Move Forward (Forward Arrow near Middle-Bottom). Open the Toilet, on the Left-side, the Closest one to you (most Left-side one), by clicking on its handle. Take MOP , and Move Backward (Arrow on Bottom of screen). Click on the Trash Cleaning Tool, right in front of you, to Zoom it in. Click on the Top White Cloth/Tissue, to look underneath it. Take the KEY , Close Window (Bottom-Right corner), and Move Backward!

6. Move Right 3 Times. Use Key you just obtained, on the Lock (Bottom-Left corner of Cage/Gate), to open the Gate. Move Forward (Forward Arrow near Middle-Bottom)! Open the Toilet, farthest from you (next to the Door, the last one), by clicking on its handle, and take FLASHLIGHT on the Tissue Box. Move Backward (Bottom-Arrow) 2 Times, and then Move Left, 3 Times!

7. Use Screwdriver on the Vent (Bottom-Middle on the Left-side Wall), to open it. Use the Flashlight inside it, to look inside, and use Mop on the Key inside the Vent, to push it closer to yourself. Take the KEY , and Close Window (Bottom-Right Corner)!

8. Move Right. Note the order of the Letters, Middle-Top of Screen: A D C A – Move Right! Look at the Poster/Banner on the Wall. It says: D A C = 9 6 5 – this can judged as following: D = 9, A = 6, C = 5 ! If you use this solution on the Letters from the previous area, ADCA, you can generate a code from this: A = 6, D = 9, C = 5, A = 6 – into this – 6 9 5 6 ! Move Right, and Move Forward (Forward Arrow near Middle-Bottom). Use Key on the Black Door, at the end of the WC, and enter that Room!

9. Click on the Middle-Drawer of the File Cabinet, at the Left Corner of the room, in order to Zoom it in. Use the code we generated in the previous step, here: 6956 (LEFT: Up-arrow 5 Times, LEFT-MIDDLE: Down-arrow 2 Times, RIGHT-MIDDLE: Up-arrow 4 Times, RIGHT: Up-arrow 5 Times) – and press on the Button, right-side of the Code, to open the Drawer! Take HAMMER from inside (Close popped up Window, Bottom-Right corner), Move Backward (Bottom-Arrow) 2 Times, then Move Left, and at last, Move Backward!

10. Move Right 2 Times, and use Hammer on the Golden Seat (Middle Seat in the Right-side Row of Seats). Take KEY from inside, and Move Forward (Forward Arrow near Middle-Bottom)! Move Right, Move Forward 2 Times, and then use the Key on the “closet” (Right-side of the Room), to open it. Take the ACCESS CARD (White rectangle-shaped object, seen at once you unlock the closet). Move Backward (Bottom-Arrow) 2 Times, and then Move Left 2 Times. Use Access Card, on right-side of the Security Bars (Small Box where it says “Metro”), and Move Forward (Forward Arrow near Middle-Bottom) to ESCAPE!

Hope this is Helpful even though the game itself it Easy ^^