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Под рукой нет платы Arduino? Не проблема. Эмулятор на ПК. Разрабатываем Arduino-проекты во Fritzing

VirtualBreadBoard - это симулятор макетной платы Arduino, для моделирования цифровых схем. Утилита позволяет писать код для платформы Arduino прямо в эмуляторе и тут же проверить его работоспособность на компьютере без самого контроллера Arduino. Например, поморгать светодиодом, написать текст на экране или покрутить двигатель – все это будет возможным благодаря VirtualBreadBoard. Кроме того, VirtualBreadBoard включает в себя то чего так не хватает - отладчик, а так же приличный набор компонентов для постройки различных схем, из которых вы сможете составить схему вашего проекта и сразу проверить как это работает.

VirtualBreadBoard была разработана для моделирования и среды разработки для встраиваемых приложений, использующих микроконтроллеры. Утилита проста в использовании и может заменить печатную плату для экспериментов. VirtualBreadBoard имитирует многие из PIC16 и PIC18 микроконтроллеров устройств с новым акцентом на эмуляцию Arduino. Кроме того широкий спектр моделируемых компонентов, таких как LCD, сервоприводы, логики и других устройств ввода-вывода, которые можно использовать для моделирования и имитации на уровне высоковольтных цепей.

VirtualBreadboard позволит вам писать свои скетчи и проверять их работоспособность. Кроме того, программа содержит неплохой набор компонентов, из которых вы сможете составить схему вашего проекта и проверить как все работает. Да, да – именно проверить все на компьютере без самого контроллера Arduino.

Изменения в версии
- New support for DS1803 Digital Potentiometer:
- Added support for Adafruit_NeoMatrix, Adfruit_GFX libraries
- Added New Vbb language project, editing, compiling, deploying and debugging support
- Added New Vbb Language Guide Examples
- Fix for ICEShield 1.0 Firmware Update and runtime connection broken by switch of HID library
- Fix for opening/closing VbbIO devices with new HID library
- Fix for PICMicro Build and Run
- Fixed LiquidCrystal multi-column to work with other column sizes than 16 as per the property. Note: use hd44780 true type font for best results

Информация о программе
Год выпуска: 2016
ОС: Windows XP / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86/x64)
Язык интерфейса: Multilanguage / Русский
Лекарство не требуется
Размер: 14,77 MB
Скачать: VirtualBreadBoard (Симулятор Arduino)

These days, Arduino simulators make it possible for anyone, meaning both beginners and professional circuit designers to learn, program and test ideas without worrying about wasting time and money.

Arduino simulators are the perfect platforms for programmers and designers who want to learn the basics of circuit schematics and design. With the help of an Arduino simulator, you’ll get an avenue to learn without being afraid that you will and design equipment.

Students who face challenges purchasing electrical equipment without any clue on how they’ll work can eliminate trial and error mistakes with the help of Arduino simulators, saving both time and money.

Another advantage of Arduino simulators is the fact that they support line to line debugging and the user will identify exactly the spot where things went wrong. Arduino simulators come in all kinds of forms, and they have been developed in such a way to be compatible with the main OSs.

In this article, we’re going to list the best Arduino simulators compatible with Windows PCs.

What are the best Arduino simulators for PC?

Autodesk Eagle (recommended)

Autodesk Eagle provides powerful and easy to use tools for every engineer out there. You can now bring your electronic inventions to life with the help of a complete set of PCB layout and schematic editing tools, community-driven features and library content.

The key features of Eagle include the following:

  • Schematic editor
  • Modular design blocks – you can reuse the existing blocks of circuitry.
  • Multi sheet schematics – you can keep designs of any size organized.
  • Electrical rule checking – you will finally be able to have confidence in your schematic design.
  • Real-time design synchronization – you can stay in-sync between schematic and PCB layout.
  • PCB Layout editor
  • BGA fanout – you can escape from your BGA in seconds.
  • High-speed design – you can design with the latest technologies, including DDR4, PCI Express, or USB-C.
  • 3D models for PCB layout – you can unite your PCB and enclosure seamlessly.
  • Complete components – this is the one-stop shop for reviewing your component needs.
  • User language programs (ULPs) – you can improve your design tool process.

Autodesk Circuits

Autodesk Circuits allows you to bring your ideas to life with online free and easy to use tools. In case you are only a beginner, you can start with more simple experiments in the Circuit Scribe or the Electronics Lab. Users who are more experienced can skip ahead and go straight to PCB Design.

Electronics Lab Hub includes the following:

  • Real-time simulation : you can design and prototype before you build a circuit in real life; you can use anything from resistors, capacitors, and potentiometers all the way to oscilloscopes.
  • Arduino programming : you can program and simulate any Arduino code in the editor, and you’ll have a full serial monitor and a growing collection of various supported Arduino libraries.
  • Collaborative editing : you can invite others to collaborate in real-time on your designs.
  • Circuit Scribe Hub allows you to design and simulate circuits, and then print and share your templates. You can also embed your design and learn from the community of the developers of Autodesk Circuit.

PCB Design Hub includes the following features:

  • Schematic design : you can choose from a growing component library by the community, or you can create your own components.
  • PCB Layout: this includes all the tools that you need such as copper trace, copper fill, via and drill holes and lots of silk screen tools.

Learning to code is much easier when you can program things that really work. Autodesk Circuits is a free tool so you should go and check it out now.

UPDATE : Autodesk Circuits is no longer available as an Arduino simulator. Instead, AutoDesk turned this tool into a platform to PCB packages.

Virtronics Simulator for Arduino

This Victronics Arduino simulator promises to be the most full-featured one that is available now.

Here are its most important benefits that it boasts:

  • It features the ability to teach and demonstrate the inner workings of an Arduino sketch.
  • You can test out a sketch without the hardware or before purchasing equipment.
  • You can debug a sketch.
  • Using it, you can demonstrate a project to potential customers.
  • You are able to develop a complicated sketch faster than when using the hardware.

You can download the free version, try it out, and when you are ready, you can upgrade to the Pro version. The software is designed for the Arduino Uno, Mega, and more standard Arduino boards. It performs lots of processes including the following:

  • It steps through the program line by line. If a new line is selected, the program will continue from that point.
  • Performs digital write, digital read, and PinMode for pins 0-53
  • Analog read for pins 0-16 and analog write for digital pins 0-53
  • Emulates Serial, LCD output, Ethernet, Servo, SD card, EEPROM, SoftSerial,SPI, Wire
  • If,while,for,switch, do whileloop functionality
  • Subroutines (multi-level) with arguments
  • View variables in real-time
  • Step Into, Step Over, Step Out of or Run mode
  • Ability to edit sketch or open in Arduino IDE
  • 2 and 4 line LCD support only with improvised CGRAM
  • 2-dimensional arrays (without initialization).

You also have the ability to change the font, style, and size of the simulator. The minimize mode is perfect for demos/training. The software offers limited support for , pointer, and structures.

You can check out more information about this simulator on its official page .


Electronify can be very helpful in case you are struggling with electronics and especially if you have found yourself stuck in your electronics projects. It will also come in handy if you are a newbie and you desire to learn electronics and embedded system to make yourself a career in the field.

With Electronify you will be able to learn basic electronics to various hardware level language. The website provides you all necessary knowledge from basic to advanced about electronic communications and embedded systems in simple methods. You will be able to learn everything from scratch and become a skilled pro.


Fritzing is an open source hardware initiative that makes electronics accessible as a creative material for everyone who is interested in the subject. The website provides a software tool, community, and services in the spirit of Arduino and processing and it fosters a creative ecosystem that allows users the following:

  • Documenting their prototypes
  • Sharing the prototypes with others
  • Teaching electronics in a classroom
  • Layout and manufacturing professional PCBs

With Fritzing, you can inexpensively and quickly turn your circuit into a real custom-made PCB. This tool can only act as a creative platform if lots of users are using it as a means of learning and sharing.

You can learn a tremendous amount of things from the many tutorials available. Here are some of the most interesting ones:

  • Building a Circuit
  • Using a Stripboard
  • Working with SMD parts
  • Creating Paper Templates
  • Curvy Wires and bendable Legs
  • Designing a PCB
  • One minute Arduino Shield design
  • Double-sided routing
  • Producing a PCB
  • Soldering SMD parts
  • Creating custom Parts
  • Attaching Programming Code.

It is also interesting to know that Fritzing turned from a publicly funded research project into a non-profit organization. This means that to make it self-sustaining and to continue the development Fritzing is offering a few services that include the following:

  • Fritzing Fab – With the Fritzing Fab, the PCB production service, you can quickly and inexpensively turn your sketches into professional PCBs.
  • Workshops – There are lots of workshops on Arduino , Fritzing and everything related, which are offered to beginners and professionals.
  • Part Creation – You can also have your product featured in Fritzing, and if you don’t want to do it yourself, you can hire the developers to create high-quality parts.
  • Products – Fritzing has created an educational starter and upgrade kit.

VBB4Arduino - Virtual Breadboard for Arduino

Virtual Breadboard for Arduino is created to help users take the first steps in learning all about the cool world of physical computing with the Arduino micro-controller and the breadboard based electronic circuit models.

Here are the main things that you’ll be able to learn using Virtual Breadboard for Arduino :

  • You can learn all about physical computing in a safe virtual sandbox environment.
  • You can learn from built in Arduino examples.
  • You can explore dozens of different types of sensors, lights, and motors.
  • You will be able to learn the Arduino commands and what they do.
  • You can use layout breadboards as a reference for making real circuits.

Here are the key features of Virtual Breadboard:

  • You can design solderless Virtual Breadboard circuit applications.
  • You can safely experiment with microcontroller based electronic circuits.
  • You will be able to test circuit layouts before committing to a build.
  • The software features a built-in firmware editor for custom micro controller App development.
  • This is a circuit and microcontroller emulator for testing your code and circuits.
  • The program offers you interactive virtualization for exploring based learning and circuit testing.
  • You will have enough examples explorer to navigate the numerous built in documented learn by examples.
  • It features an integrated Wiki system for documentation and coursework development.
  • You will be able to check out animated GIF screenshot recording for documentation highlights.
  • One-click compiles and deploys embedded Apps to real world Vbb4UNO microcontrollers.
  • Cross platform development with 8-bit micros and Raspberry Pi 2 with Windows 10 IoT Core targets.

According to most users, this software is perfect, but it needs a bit of fixing because it has a few bugs.

VBB4Arduino is a simplified version of the full VBB product. It is intended as a standalone getting started version with fewer options and modules which can confuse starters. It is best used as a sandbox to learn physical computing concepts. Advanced users might like to progress to using the full version of VBB with the ArduinoToolkit expansion module.

You have reached the end of our Arduino simulator list. Take advantage of the one that you think is right for your needs.


Editor’s Note: This post has been updated to show the most accurate download links and software solutions.

Here is the list of our top 5 arduino simulators.

Virtual Breadboard for Arduino:

Launched in 2005, the Arduino open hardware and software platform has grown to be very popular among hobbyists, educators, and professionals alike, gaining momentum especially in the robotics field. Backed by a massive online community, and with most development boards and hardware accessories available at very low prices, this platform is perhaps the best place to start in working with embedded devices. But what if you want to learn programming and do not own an Arduino board, or are overwhelmed by the selection of hardware out there? This is where simulation software comes in.

Virtual Breadboard for Arduino is a learning App designed to help you take the first steps in the exciting world of physical computing with the Arduino microcontroller and ‘Breadboard’ based electronic circuit models.

Screenshot for this Arduino Simulator:

With VBB4Arduino you will

Learn from 75 built in Arduino examples

Explore dozens of different types of sensors, motors and lights

Learn the Arduino commands and what they do

Edit your own code examples

Download Arduino Simulator:

CodeBlocks Arduino IDE with Simulator:

CodeBlocks Arduino IDE is a customized distribution of the open-source Code::Blocks IDE enhanced for Arduino development. It provides more demanding software developers with everything a modern IDE should have including code foldering, code completion, code navgiation, compiling as well as uploading for Arduino. With a dedicated project wizard, it’s easy create a ready-to-go Arduino project. The distribution integrates latest Arduino core files, standard Arduino libraries, AVR toolchain, Arduino Builder, a serial terminal and most interesting, an API-level Arduino simulator (under development).


  1. dedicated project wizard for Arduino development
  2. integrated Arduino core files and libraries
  3. compiled core files cached for faster compiling speed (comparing to original Arduino IDE)
  4. integrated pre-configured AVR compiler toolchain
  5. popular Arduino boards supported as build targets
  6. uploading HEX to Arduino boards (Leonardo supported) by running the built target
  7. Arduino API-level simulator (very early stage) integrated (as a build target)

Download Code Block Simulator:

Simuino Arduino Simulator:

Simuino is an Arduino UNO/MEGA Pin Simulator.

You can download the terminal version (latest version is v0.1.9) at www.simuino.com. NOTE: Downloads available on code.google.com is not the latest!

Run your sketch and evaluate in/out status of the digital and analog pins. The GUI is based on ncurses, i.e. run Simuino from a terminal window. Features animation in realtime according to actual delays in sketch.

The perfect tool for anybody who wants to get started with Arduino Sketch construction.

It is also possible to construct scenarios regarding analogRead, digitalRead and External Interrupts.

The purpose is to make the construction of a sketch easier. You can verify the functionality without having the Arduino board available. Simuino runs the sketch and shows the status of the digital,analog pins and serial output.

Source: C++ Platform: Linux (Ubuntu)

For more information, visit www.simuino.com

Way of working:
1. Start Simuino
2. Load your sketch into your editor of choice.
3. Edit logic,scenario data, log-text.
4. Load sketch into Simuino (command load in Simuino)
5. Evalute simulation by stepping in Simuino. Set values on the fly.
Repeat 3,4,5 until wanted result.

Download This Simulator:

123D Circuits Arduino Simulator:

123D Circuits is an online electronics simulator and collaborative design platform, born from the partnership between Autodesk and Circuits.io, since in Fall 2013. It is an excellent tool for beginners who want to quickly get a grip of creating with Arduino, Raspberry Pi or other platforms right from their browser window.

123d circuits – arduino simulator

Virtual circuits can be created by using the intuitive breadboard editor, or the more advanced electronic schematics or PCB editors, and ready made components and designs are also available for you to implement. Programming of the newly created circuits is possible with the code editor and operation is displayed in real time. You can also fabricate and order the electronics based on your own design.

123D Circuits is a free service, however upgraded memberships starting at US$ 12 per month will bring you discounts on orders as well as the ability to make your designs private.

Online Link to access Arduino Simulator:

This Post / Project can also be found using search terms:

  • circuit simulator programs arduino
  • arduino online simulator
  • online arduino simulator
  • arduino emulator

Что делать, если у вас под рукой нету платы Arduino UNO, или любой другой Arduino. А у вас есть свежая идея или написанный алгоритм. Не беда, эмулятор ардуино поможет вам решить данную проблему. Достаточно будет сымитировать работу той или иной платы. Есть только большое НО. Виртуальная программа никогда не заменит реальную плату. Так что рекомендую эмулировать с пониманием, что не все процессы могут пойти гладко.

Из этой статьи вы узнаете:

Здравствуйте, друзья! Я очень рад приветствовать вас на страницах блога. Если вы наткнулись на эту статью, вероятно у вас под рукой нет устройства, и вы хотите попробовать отладить свой скетч.

Я понимаю, что сейчас куча магазинов, можно купить всё что угодно. Но к сожалению не все имеют возможность сразу приобрести электронную плату. Я не исключение, так как живу в Краснодарском крае, в городе Армавире. И купить плату я могу только через .

Совершенно недавно я случайно наткнулся на новую разработку — микроконтроллер под управлением . Самый сок заключается в том, что достаточно просто написать в текстовом файлике небольшой скрипт с нужными библиотеками, закидываете в мозг процессора и вуаля!

Имя этому проекту MicroPython . В России он не популярен. К сожалению невозможно купить. Можно заказать только в буржуйских магазинах. Но это достаточно дорого. Жалко, но что поделать.

Вот такая миниатюрка:

Американцы идут далеко вперёд. Может есть нечто подобное в России? Я чего-то не знаю? Напишите в комментариях...

Из эмуляторов я нашёл в интернете две программы — Virtual BreadBoard и AutoDesk Circuit.

Virtual BreadBoard

Данная программа выпущена самой компанией в 2015 году. В ней вы можете смоделировать схему совместимую с основной платой и шильдами. Написать код и опробовать на модели.

Теперь, я взял в руки мышку, скачал программу VBB версии 5.57 .

Вот такое у нас получается окошечко:

Что вы можете сделать в этом эмуляторе?

  1. С её помощью можно написать код для отладки программы;
  2. Можно собрать схему для испытаний и наладки;
  3. Virtual BreadBoard может эмулировать несколько компонентов и контроллеров Arduino.

Все созданные проекты могут работать автономно в этом конструкторе. Можете применять кучу элементов для построения своих электрических схем.

Все программы проходят обработку предпроцессором, потом компилируются в код.

Программа на борту у себя имеет:

  1. Компилятор;
  2. Редактор кода;
  3. Плату для ввода\вывода;
  4. Программный клиент;
  5. Модуль передачи прошивки на Arduino;

Autodesk Circuits

Есть ещё один не менее интересный онлайн эмулятор для Arduino. Маленькая деталь заключается в том, что всё на английском языке. Но когда это останавливало хорошего программиста. Ловите официальный сайт .

В веб-браузере без паяльника проводов и плат можете спокойно собирать схемы и обкатывать ваш код.

Можно накидывать различные компоненты из элементной базы к .

В бесплатной версии все ваши платы будут находиться в открытом доступе, то есть ваши проекты будут светиться у всех.

Есть другой вариант, платный — 25 $ в месяц, вам выделяют сервер для творчества. Я так думаю, в большей степени сервис нужен для проектировщиков.

Я лично предпочитаю всё делать на реальной плате, с реальным отладчиком, с реальными железками.

На эмуляторе никогда не будет идеальной модели. Как она будет работать на самом деле?

Но, моя задача выполнена, я нашёл возможные эмуляторы и рассказал об этом вам. Если я что-то не обозначил, пишите в комментариях, я исправлю.

До встречи в следующих статьях.

С уважением, Гридин Семён