Болезни Военный билет Призыв

Диалог какой вид спорта тебе нравятся. Диалоги на английском – образцы и разговорные выражения

Anna: Do you know a sports centre near here? There is a big sports centre near my house in Moscow and I often go there.

Boris: Yes, there’s a good gym near the Gills church.

Anna: Great! Is there a basketball court? Basketball is my favourite sport.

Boris: Yes, there is. There’re two big pools, four tennis courts, a basketball court, a cafe, and a sauna.

Anna: Fantastic! And is there a jacuzzi?

Boris: No, there isn’t.

Anna: I can’t play basketball very well. Are there any classes?

Boris: Yes, there are. There are basketball classes on Monday and Wednesday mornings.

Anna: Can you play basketball?

Boris: Yes, I play basketball pretty good.

Anna: Well, come to the basketball classes with me!

Boris: It would be great, but… My favourite sport is swimming.

Anna: Let’s go to a swimming pool on weekends and to a basketball classes on Monday and Wednesday mornings.

Boris: OK, let us try. And what about a cafe? Would you like a cup of tea?

Anna: OK, but I prefer coffee.

Спортивный центр

Анна: Знаешь ли ты спортивный центр недалеко отсюда? Рядом с моим домом в Москве есть большой спортивный центр, и я часто хожу туда.

Борис: Да, есть хороший тренажерный зал рядом с церковью Гилл.

Анна: Отлично! Есть ли там баскетбольный зал? Баскетбол — мой любимый вид спорта.

Борис: Да, есть. Там есть два больших бассейна, четыре теннисных корта, баскетбольный зал, кафе и сауна.

Анна: Чудесно! А джакузи есть?

Борис: Нет.

Анна: Я не очень хорошо играю в баскетбол. Есть ли какие-нибудь уроки?

Борис: Да, есть. Есть баскетбольные занятия по утрам в понедельник и в среду.

Анна: Можешь ли ты играть в баскетбол?

Борис: Да, я играю довольно хорошо.

Анна: Ну, пойдем на баскетбольные занятия со мной!

Борис: Было бы здорово, но … Мой любимый спорт — плавание.

Анна: Давай ходить в бассейн по выходным, а на баскетбольные занятия с утра в понедельник и в среду.

Борис: Хорошо, давай попробуем. А что насчет чашечки чая,

Анна: Хорошо, только я предпочитаю кофе.

По-английски Перевод на русский
Luke: What’s your favourite sport, Maria? Люк: Какой твой любимый вид спорта, Мария?
Maria: Honestly speaking Luke, I’m not very sporty but I like swimming a lot. Мария: Честно говоря, Люк, я не очень спортивна, но я очень люблю плавание.
Luke: Can you swim well? Люк: Ты умеешь хорошо плавать?
Maria: Yes, certainly. I’m quite good at it. I also do some snorkeling and windsurfing. Мария: Да, конечно. Я довольно хороша в этом. Я также занимаюсь немного подводным плаванием и виндсерфингом.
Luke. I see. Sounds interesting. I also like swimming but my favourite sport is basketball. Люк: Понятно. Это интересно. Мне также нравится плавание, но мой любимый вид спорта баскетбол.
Maria: That’s obvious. You are rather tall. Мария: Это заметно. Ты довольно высокий.
Luke: Are there any sports that you don’t do but like watching? Люк: Есть ли такие виды спорта, которыми ты не занимаешься, но любишь смотреть?
Maria: There are many such sport types. For example, I enjoy watching football, hockey, tennis, alpine skiing, biathlon, figure skating, bobsleigh and many others. How about you? Do you like watching sport events? Мария: Таких видов спорта много. Например, мне нравится смотреть футбол, хоккей, теннис, горные лыжи, биатлон, фигурное катание, бобслей и многое другое. Как насчет тебя? Любишь ли ты смотреть спортивные события?
Luke: I certainly do. My favourite events are connected with soccer and curling. Люк: Конечно, люблю. Мои любимый события связаны с соккером и керлингом.
Maria: By the way, I have no idea what the difference between football and soccer is. Мария: Кстати, я понятия не имею, в чем разница между обычным футболом и соккером.
Luke: I can explain. Basically these games are almost the same just have different names. The players form teams, wear a special uniform and try to score goals. However, there are some minor differences, such as the shape of the ball. A soccer ball is a sphere while a football is an ellipsoid. In soccer the players can’t touch the ball but in football they can. Люк: Я могу объяснить. В целом эти игры почти одинаковы, просто имеют разные названия. Игроки формируют команды, носят специальную униформу и стараются забить голы. Тем не менее, есть некоторые незначительные отличия, например, форма мяча. В соккере мяч сферической формы, в то время как в футболе он овальный. В соккере игроки не могут касаться мяча рукой, а в футболе – могут.
Maria: I see. So, the main differences are just in the rules of these games, aren’t they? Мария: Понятно. Так основные различия только в правилах этих игр, не так ли?
Luke: Exactly. Люк: Совершенно верно.
Maria: What about curling? Is it a team game? And how is it played? Мария: А как насчет керлинга? Это командная игра? А как в нее играют?
Luke: Curling is a team game. It is usually played in teams of four. The equipment includes stones and brooms. In this game players should try to slide stones across the ice sheet towards the target area, which is called the house. The point of the game is to slide the stone closer to the centre of the house. Each team has eight stones. Люк: Керлинг – это командная игра. В него, как правило, играют в командах по четверо. Оборудование включает в себя камни и метлы. В этой игре игроки должны попытаться прокатить камни по ледовому покрытию к области цели, которая называется домом. Смысл игры заключается в прокатке камня ближе к центру дома. Каждая команда имеет восемь камней.
Maria: That sounds like an interesting sport. When I get the chance I will definitely watch a curling event. Мария: Кажется, это интересный вид спорта. По возможности, я определенно посмотрю игру в керлинг.
Luke: I’m sure, you’ll like it. Люк: Уверен, тебе понравится.
Maria: Have you ever tried to surf or windsurf? Мария: А ты никогда не пробовал заниматься серфингом или виндсерфингом?
Luke: No, I haven’t. But I think it feels great. Can you tell me a little bit about these sport types? Люк: Нет, не пробовал. Но думаю, что это доставляет одно удовольствие. Можешь рассказать мне немного об этих типах спорта?
Maria: Yes, of course. I’m very much into these water sports. Surfing is quite popular among young people nowadays. Surfing in other words is wave riding. Surfers stand on special boards and try to ride the ocean waves. Windsurfing is the combination of surfing and sailing. Both sports are very spectacular. Мария: Да, конечно. Я очень интересуюсь этими водными видами спорта. Серфинг является довольно популярным среди молодых людей в настоящее время. Другими словами серфинг – это катание на волнах. Серферы стоят на специальных досках и пытаются прокататься на океанских волнах. Виндсерфинг являет собой сочетание серфинга и парусного спорта. Оба вида спорта очень завораживающие.
Luke: Are there any special events or competitions in surfing and windsurfing? Люк: Есть ли какие-либо специальные мероприятия или соревнования по серфингу и виндсерфингу?
Maria: Yes, there are. There are World Surfing Championships. Windsurfing features such disciplines as Slalom, Speedracing, Freestyle and else. Мария: Да, есть. Существуют Всемирные чемпионаты по серфингу. В виндсерфинге практикуются такие дисциплины, как слалом, гонки на скорость, фристайл и прочее.
Luke: I’d like to see one of those competitions. Let me know if there is a coming up event. Люк: Я хотел бы посмотреть одно из таких соревнований. Дай мне знать, если будут грядущие события.
Maria: Will do. I’m glad we have similar interests and preferences in sport. Мария: Обязательно. Я рад, что у нас схожие интересы и предпочтения в спорте.

(Пока оценок нет)

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Russia is a sporting country. Millions of people go in for various kinds of sport. Approximately one of every five people is a sports fan. You can hardly find a grown -up person or a youngster who does not support his or her favourite sports club, or team, or athlete - they are enthusiastic spectators. Physical training and sports have become a matter of national importance.

The ancients said. “A sound mind in a sound body”. Therefore begin to teach our children to love sport since early childhood. In kindergartens the child takes his first sporting steps - he learns to run. jump and dance. Throughout school and college Gymnastics is a compulsory subject.

Our sportsmen have many sports facilities at their disposal - palaces of sports, stadiums, sports grounds, gymnasiums, swimming-pools, tennis courts. Not only champions and keen sportsmen but anyone can take part in sports and competitions. If you like light athletics you may go in for running, jumping, throwing. Many people are fond of winter sports: speed skating, figure - skating, skiing, ski-jumping. In summer you can go in for swimming, diving, rowing, sailing, yachting and cycling. Boxing, wrestling, weight - lifting, fencing, shooting, mountaineering, slalom and chess also have millions of followers. Many people are very fond of various games: football, rugby, ice - hockey, tennis, table - tennis, basketball, volleyball, golf.

It’s no wonder that our sportsmen have tremendous success at world and European championships and Olympic Games.

The Olympics have a very long history. They began in 776 BC and took place every four years for nearly 1.200 years, at Olympia, in Greece. They included many different kinds of sports: running, boxing, wrestling, the pentathlon (five different sports) and others.

In 394 AD the Games stopped. Later, in 1894, a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, persuaded people from fifteen countries to start the Olympic Games again. The first of the modem series of games took place in Athens two years later, in 1896.

At the fourth Olympics, 1908, in London, there were more than two thousand competitors, from twenty - two different countries. Since then. the number of athletes competing has increased each time. The International Olympic Committee in Switzerland decides where each Olympics will take place. They ask a city (not a country) to be the host - one city for the Winter Olympics and one for the other Olympic Games.

    776 BC - Before Christ - до нашей эры . 2) 394 AD - anno Domini - нашей эры



Andrew: Good morning. Peter.

Peter: Hi. How are you doing ?

Andrew: O.K. Thanks.

Peter: Would you like to go to the stadium tomorrow? I’ve got two tickets.

Andrew: Who’s playing?

Peter: “Rangers” and “Black Hawks”.

Andrew: I’d love to. Thank you very much. Г m sure the game 11 be interesting.

Peter: It sure will.

Andrew: When does the game begin?

Peter: At 5.30. By the way, could you come to pick me up at 4.30? My car is broken


Andrew: Of course. I’ll come and get you at 4.30.

Peter: Thanks. See you tomorrow.

Andrew : Bye .

1) “ Rangers ”– “Рейнджеры”, хоккейная команда профессионалов г. Нью-Йорка.

2) “ Black Hawks ” – “Черные ястребы”, хоккейная команда профессионалов г. Чикаго.


Ann: What kind of sport do you go in for?

Jim: In winter I go skating and skiing. Sometimes I play hockey. In summer I go in

for swimming and rowing. Besides that I like athletics such as running and


Ann: I see. As for me. I prefer indoor games. I can play chess, draughts and table –


Jim: Oh, that’s fine.

Ann: Would you care for a game of table - tennis now ?

Jim: Frankly speaking I am not a good player.

Ann: Never mind. I’ll try to teach you and you’ll see how well I can do it.

Jim: All right. Let’s go to the gym.


Nick: Mike, would you like to see a good soccer match at the city stadium?

Mike: No. I don’t feel well today. I don’t want to go out in weather like this. Go by

yourself or else keep me company in front of the TV.

Nick: I don’t like leaving my friends alone. So it will have to be TV for tonight. When

is the game being shown?

Mike: Don’t know. But here’s a sports paper. I think our city has a good chance of

winning this match now that Brown is a goal - keeper. He is a very good goal –

keeper and is in excellent form at the moment. He is highly praised in the press.

Nick: So, we don’t have to worry about him today. Now, let’s listen to the

commentator. He is reading the names of the visiting team.


    to go in for sport - заниматься спортом .

sport имеет множественное число sports , которое означает виды спорта.

    a sports fan - спортивные болельщик supporter - болельщик (когда речь идет о спортивной команде, а не о виде спорта).

to support - болеть (за команду)

    a compulsory subject - обязательный по программе предмет

an optional subject - необязательный, факультативный предмет

    to hold the record in - удержать рекорд

to set the record in - установить рекорд to better the record in - улучшить рекорд

    to compete - соревноваться

competition - соревнование

championship - чемпионат .

match - матч

6. The Olympic Games - Олимпийские игры

7. pentathelon - пятиборье

8. wrestling - спортивная борьба


1. to pick smb . up - заезжать за кем - либо

2. to be broken down - ломаться , разбиваться

3. indoor games -игры в закрытом помещении

outdoor games - игры на открытом воздухе

4. to care for -интересоваться

5. to keep smb . company - составить кому - либо компанию

Additional Material to the Lesson

to play for a team - играть за команду

to award somebody a medal, a prize for - наградить медалью , призом

to hold a competition - проводить соревнования

in favour of - в пользу

to end in draw - закончить вничью

the score is three to nil - счет 3: О


Outside the Ground:

Programme seller: Souvenir programmes. Photos of all the players! Get your

souvenir programmes for the big match!

Kate: What a big crowd of people! It always (to be) like this?

Jack: Yes, when a big match (to hold). You’d better (to be) close to me. I (not to want) to lose you in the crowd.

Kate: Don’t worry about me. I (to keep) close. We (to get) good seats, Jack?

Jack: Not the best, I (to be) afraid. I (to be) sorry, Kate, but we (to have to stand) all the time. I possibly (can’t to get) seats in the stand.

Inside the Ground

Kate: Jack. I (to be) sorry but I (not to know) the first thing about football. Jack: That (to be) all right, dear. What would you like to know? Kate: First of all. I"d like to know who (to play) today.

Jack: Wcxdsew32e (to play) against the Spanish national team. They (to be) very good, indeed, particularly their forward. I (to hear) he (to be) in perfect form. I (not to think) we (to have) much chance of winning.

Kate: And who (to be) the leading player in England’s team?

Jack: Bobby Chariton. But he (not to play) today. He (to injure) in a match against Italy. He (to be) one of the best goalkeepers here. He (can, to save) us. Shouting: England! England! Come on? Come on?

Kate: It (to sound) as if the whole of England (to be) here.

Jack: A goal! What a perfect goal? We (to score) a goal and the goal (to score) by my

favourite team!

Kate: I never (to see) anything so exciting in my life.

Ex.. a) Supply the prepositions where necessary:

Tom: Did you go ... the stadium to watch the game yesterday?

John: I certainly did. Tom: How did the game end?

John: Liverpool won, of course.

Tom: ... what score?

John: The score was 3: 1 ...favour ... Liverpool.

Tom: How did the game go?

John: ... the begining ... the game everything went all right. The first half ended in a draw. ... the second half Chelsea missed a chance ... scoring a goal and their goal - keeper missed three goals.

Tom: But he is a good goal - keeper, isn’t he?

John: Yes, but Liverpool were ... the best shape that day, that"s why the Chelsea team lost the game ... Liverpool.

Tom: What a shame? I think the fans were disappointed .. .the match, weren"t they? John: Yes, certainly.

b) Say what you have learned from the dialogue about the match between the Liverpool and the Chelsea teams.


Ex. 1. Read and translate the text and the dialogues.

Ex. 2. Ask questions about the text and the dialogues and let your fellow -students give answers.

Ex.3. Answer the following questions:

1.What’s your favourite sport? 2. Do you support any team? 3. What’s the most popular outdoor game in your country? 4. Which sport do you disapprove and why? 5. How often do you watch a game of football? 6. Are you a figure - skating fan? 7. Do you watch figure - skating competitions on TV? 8. What countries has ice - hockey become popular in? 9. Which do you enjoy more, football or basketball? Why? 10. Which indoor games do you like? 11. Which sport do you go in for? 12. What did the ancients say about sport?

Ex.4. Arrange the following kinds of sport in four columns:

1.- winter sports, 2 - summer sports, 3 - outdoor games. 4 - indoor games: football, mountain - climbing, chess, tennis, basket - ball, hockey, figure - skating, rowing, cycling, slalom, skiing, swimming, sailing, boxing, shooting, jumping, speed - skating, yachting, weight - lifting, volley - ball, draughts.


American sports are in some way different from European sports. When Americans talk about football, they usually don’t mean the same game which is called football in Europe. For European football they have another name - soccer. Most soccer teams are non -professional and they belong to colleges and universities. There is no national organization of soccer, no national championships. Nevertheless it can"t be said that soccer is unpopular in the USA. Matches between college teams collect a lot of public.

American football is what is called Rugby or ‘rugger’ in Europe. It is played by teams of fifteen men with an oval ball. This egg - shaped ball can be kicked or carried along in hands, and thrown. Rugby originated in the 19th century in Britain at Rugby school.

Rugby is extremely popular in the United States but the national American game is considered baseball. It is a type of ball game which is played with a ball and a bat (or club). Baseball is somewhat -similar to Russian lapta. It is mainly a professional sport.

Boxing is also should be mentioned among the most popular sports in the USA. The names of its stars and idols, especially heavy - weights, are as known as the names of pop - and film -stars. There’s women’s professional boxing too, though many people think that it is against women’s nature. Nevertheless women’s boxing holds the second place after tennis in the sports show business.

A lot of Americans of all ages go in for sports for their health because sport keeps people fit and makes them better organized. Most Americans go in for jogging, in the morning and in the evening one can see running people in the parks, squares, stadiums and in the streets. Jogging seems to be a national hobby of the Americans.

b) Answer the following questions :

1. What is the difference between football and rugby?

2. What type of game is baseball?

3. Why don"t many people like women’s boxing?

4. What kind of sports can be called a national hobby of the Americans?


The British have a reputation for being mad about sports. In fact they like watching sports more than playing them. The British are spectators and the most popular spectator sports are cricket and football.

Football is the most popular game. Football, or soccer, is an example of a professional game. The game of football was first played in Britain, and later people began to play football in other countries. There are many amateur soccer players in Britain who play the game on Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Amateur clubs often play against professionals.

Almost every school has its football team and every boy in Britain knows a lot about the game. He can tell you the names of the players in the most important teams, he has pictures of them and knows the results of many matches.

Rugby is another popular British sport which is played in other countries. It is also called rugby football. The story is told that in 1823 boys at Rugby school in England were playing football in the normal way, when suddenly one boy picked the ball up and ran with it. That was how a new game was born.

There are two forms of rugby football: the amateur game and the professional game. The two games have different rules.

Football is the favourite winter game in Britain and cricket is the favourite summer sport.

Amateur cricket has the same rules as the professional game. A typical amateur cricket match takes place on a village green, open space in the centre of the village. It is played between two teams - the “home” team and the “visitors” who come from another village.

Most Englishmen like the game of cricket very much. It is a long game. A cricket match may be a one - day match, or it may last two or three days and then it is called a too - or three-day match. Though fewer English people go to watch the game these days than in the first years after the war, it is still very popular. To some people cricket is just an old game (it started about three hundred years ago in England) played by twenty - two men. To others it is an intellectual game. But even those .who do not like it know one thing - it gave a very popular phrase to the English language. If a man says that something is “not cricket”, everybody will understand that it is ungentlemanly. It isn’t cricket to run off with your best friend’s girl for example.

The problem with cricket at the moment is that too many people think that it belongs to old England. But England without cricket is like Hamlet without Prince or bacon without eggs.

b) Say what information the text gives about:

1. classification of sports; 2. the popularity of foot - ball; 3. the history of rugby; 4. cricket.

c) Think and answer:

1. What kinds of spectator sports are the most popular in Britain?

2. What are the two forms of rugby football?

3. Are there favourite summer and winter games in Britain?

4. Can you name any internationally known English sportsmen?

5. Are rugby and cricket that popular in our country? Why?

6. What do English people mean saying that something is “not cricket”?

Простые короткие диалоги по теме Спорт . К каждому диалогу на английском языке дан перевод на русский , кроме того, для наилучшего понимания отдельно выписаны встречающиеся в них слова с транскрипцией и выражения .

Слова и выражения

  • team - команда (в том числе спортивная)
  • root for – болеть за
  • vs. (сокращённо от латинского versus ["vɜːsəs]) - против; Dynamo vs. Spartak – «Динамо» - «Спартак»
  • win , won (прош. вр.), won (прич. прош. вр.) – выиграть
  • to win the game – выиграть игру
  • score - счёт очков (в игре); зарубка (на дереве); набирать счет (в игре); делать зарубки
  • What’s the score? – Какой счет?
  • The score is 3 to 0 (nil). - Счет 3-0.
  • favour = favor (амер.) ["feɪvə] – благосклонность; польза
  • in their favour – в их пользу
  • congratulation – поздравления
  • How did the match end? – Как закончился матч?
  • The match ended in a draw. – Матч закончился вничью.
  • lose , lost (прош. вр.), lost (прич. прош. вр.) – терять
  • to lose the game – проиграть игру
  • You don’t say so! – Не может быть! (букв.: Не говорите так!)
  • unfortunately [ʌn"fɔːʧ(ə)nətlɪ] – к сожалению, к несчастью
  • watch a game – смотреть игру
  • I am sorry for you. – Мне жаль вас.
  • exciting [ɪk"saɪtɪŋ] – захватывающий, увлекательный, волнующий
  • to be different from – отличаться от
Примеры употребления этой конструкции:
American football is different from European football. - Американский футбол отличается от европейского (футбола).
English grammar is different from Russian grammar. - Английская грамматика отличается от русской (грамматики).
The weather in New York is different from the weather in Moscow.- Погода в Нью-Йорке отличается от погоды в Москве.
  • which [(h)wɪʧ] (of)?– кто из? (о человеке); который из? (о предмете)
  • soccer ["sɔkə] – футбол (европейский): американский футбол, в отличие от европейского, сочетает в себе правила регби и соккера – привычного нам европейского футбола.
  • dangerous ["deɪnʤ(ə)rəs] – опасный, угрожающий
  • to show smth on TV – показывать что-либо по телевизору
  • switch on (the light, TV set) – включить (свет, телевизор)
  • switch off (the light, TV set) – выключить (свет, телевизор)
  • switch over to channel 1 / change to channel 1 – переключить на первый канал
  • world championship ["ʧæmpɪənʃɪp] – мировой чемпионат
  • by all means – непременно, в любом случае
  • to take (took (прош.вр.) , taken (прич. прош. вр.)) part in – принять участие в
  • competition [ˌkɔmpə"tɪʃ(ə)n] – 1. соревнование, состязание 2. конкуренция
  • I wish you good luck . – Желаю вам удачи.

Диалог о футболе.

  • Do you like sports? Ты любишь спорт?
  • Yes, of course, I love football and biathlon, and you? Да, конечно, я очень люблю футбол и биатлон, а ты?
  • I also like football Мне тоже нравится футбол
  • Which team do you support? За какую команду ты болеешь?
  • I am a fan of Spartak, this year they are not playing particularly well, but I think that all of them still ahead. За Спартак, они в этом году играют не особенно удачно, но я думаю, что всё у них ещё впереди.
  • And I’m a fan of Real Madrid, my team plays very well this year. А я болельщик Реала, моя команда в этом году играет очень хорошо.

Диалог о зимних видах спорта.

  • Do you like figure skating? Тебе нравится фигурное катание?
  • Of course, this sport is very similar to ballet. I love all winter sports. Конечно, этот спорт очень похож на балет. А вообще я люблю все зимние виды спорта.
  • Oh, Yes, I also love winter sports, especially skiing. My family and I watch them on TV. О, да, я тоже люблю зимний спорт, особенно лыжные гонки. Мы смотрим их всей семьёй по телевизору.
  • And do you like snowboarding? А нравится ли тебе сноуборд?
  • No, I unfortunately do not understand this sport. I also don’t like Curling. Нет, я к сожалению не понимаю этот спорт, как и кёрлинг.
  • I like competitions in Curling at the winter Olympics. А мне нравятся состязания по керлингу на зимних олимпиадах.

Диалог о беге и личных спортивных увлечениях.

  • Hi, I saw you run, long addicted to? Привет, я видел как ты бегаешь, давно этим увлекаешься?
  • For 3 years I’ve been running every morning. What dispute are you addicted to? Уже 3 года бегаю каждое утро. А каким спором увлекаешься ты?
  • I love to play tennis after work. Я люблю поиграть после работы в теннис.
  • You play in a sports club? Ты играешь в спортивном клубе?
  • Yes, come and you. Да, приходи и ты.
  • Thank you, I will come on Saturday. Спасибо, я приду в субботу.

Диалог об Олимпиаде.

  • Soon there will be Olympic games, do you want them to see? Скоро будут Олимпийские игры, ты будешь их смотреть?
  • Yes, of course, I love the opening ceremony: it is always a very beautiful sight. Да, конечно, мне очень нравится церемония открытия: это всегда очень красивый праздник.
  • And what sports are you interested in? А какие виды спорта тебе интересны?
  • I will follow the competitions in running, long jump and swimming, and you? Я буду следить за соревнованиями по бегу, по прыжкам в длину и за плаванием, а ты?
  • My favorite sports are soccer and gymnastics. Мои любимые виды спорта это футбол и гимнастика.
  • I also love gymnastics: there are always very beautiful girls and costumes. Я тоже люблю гимнастику: там всегда очень красивые девушки и костюмы.